Lake Victoria Aquaculture (Lavic Aqua) Program is a Development Program for Women and Youth Empowerment for Food Security, Income and Livelihood Improvement.
Women in fishing communities play important roles in fish processing and marketing activities.
They undertake many of the non-fishing related income-generating activities that compensate for the seasonality and day-to-day variability of fishing. They shoulder the major part of responsibilities for childcare and household tasks. They often assume responsibility for family food security, health, and social and education expenses.
LAVIC AQUA program therefore aims at empowering women and youth living around Lake Victoria through capacity building and input supply.
Specific objectives of LAVIC AQUA Program:
- To create employment opportunities for women and youth in the lake region
- To enable women and youth to have financial access
- To contribute towards reduction of high rate of HIV prevalence
- To contribute towards food security